Visual Process Coaching

Type of Goal
ENV (Environmental), COMM (Engaging and understading communities – communication), INCL (Cultural and Social Incusion)
Learning objectives

Participants obtain a tool to use for getting an overall picture of their activities. The activity enables them to have a critical view on the organisaiton of their work, and to improve their activity plans and time management.

Expected results/outcomes

Process pictures designed by the participants; partcipants will be aware of the activities they implement and will be able to better plan their work with the hep of the tool they learn to use.

Trainer preparation needs

Understanding the “rich picture” method, unerstanding the principles of process coaching, getting aware of the specific skills and needs of the participants

Tips and Recommendations

A regular follow-up of the groups’ work is necessary to prevent any potential harm to participants when sensitive questions are asked.

Step by step

  • Step 4: Presentation and Comparative Discussion
    Invite the groups to present their cases and to discuss differences and similarities in a closing plenary discussion.

    • Step 1: Introductory Discussion
      Introduce the activity and the main principles of process coaching. Launch a discussion about the participants’ work, either in groups or in a plenary session. Participants identify the main activities they engage in during different phases of their work.

    • Step 2: Drawing Your Activities
      Participants draw their activities on a large blank paper according to their main types (e.g. purchase of material, creation, marketing, selling, etc.) and create a symbol, icon or any other illustration for each activity type. This results in a picture with activities, symbols, and more. Participants can draw or create a collage of photos and drawings, and also identify timing, tools, and space needed for each type of activity based on the template provided. They mark their feelings about the activities using like and dislike icons and adding a degree between 1 and 10.

    • Step 3: Process Coaching
      Participants work in pairs or groups of 3. The group work is divided into as many turns as people involved in the group. At each turn, one person plays the role of the “client” and the others the role of the coaches. The process coaches ask the client to select the most liked and disliked activities and analyze them. They can help the client by asking guiding questions such as “what are the easiest and most difficult activities”? “What are your strong and weak sides”? “What needs to be improved and how”?
      By the end of the exercise, the client needs to identify, with the help of the coaches, the main steps to be undertaken for transforming the most disliked activities into liked or at least respected ones, by using the positive elements of the liked activities. The results of the discussion are summarized as a list of To-Dos.

  • Step 4: Presentation and Comparative Discussion
    Invite the groups to present their cases and to discuss differences and similarities in a closing plenary discussion.
2 hours
Skills and Competencies
critical thinking, systemic thinking, time management, planning, codesign
  • white paper, stamps, coloured pencils or pens
  • process coaching template
Space and accessibility

A room providing space for group work

Participant profile

The excercise is recommended to any type of participants.

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