The works of all participants of the context can be found in the contest room.
Our virtual exhibition showcases the works selected by the jury of the 2024 contest.
THE Winners
30 Minutes of faME
Helge BOMBER Steinmanna Helge W. Steinmann, is a pioneering German graffiti artist and designer who…
Arazzo Cromatico “Eva”RE-FRAGMENT
GIulio Patrizi Giulio’s contemporary tapestry, not a decorative piece, but rather a fabric that serves…
Backpack, Top-bag and handbag made from overalls. Three in one.
Ayesha Prieto AvaCaxi, also known as Ayesha Prieto, is a Mexican street artist and mural…
Blooming Bills
Pia Höhfeld Pia’s 60 flowers made from handmade paper is the celebration of the circularity…
Victoria De Blassie De Blassie’s organic cascades fuse ancient food processing wisdom with innovation, challenging…
Fall Mokodu Mokodu’s sustainability lies in the uniqueness of his garments: each piece in the…
DE LA TERRE À LA LUNE (From the Earth to the Moon)
Pierre Kucoyanis Kucoyanis’ work recalls a universe where the past-future dichotomy evokes the aesthetics of…
DER HENGENDE ELCH, ODER SPRICH MIT MIR (The hanging moose, or talk to me)
Ola Lewin Lewin’s work uses the language of recycling to open a reflection on the ongoing dan-…
ÉCHO D’OCÉAN (Echo of the Ocean)
Laurence Aellion Aeillon’s work reflects a natural and power- ful aesthetic sense, not devoid of a…
Manolo Benvenuti Benvenuti designed a complex installation while involving the public in codesign, turning it…
Madeleine Brunnmeier People and clothes as temporary sculptures to show the relationship between who we…
L’OMBRE DE SITARANE (The Shadow of Sitarane)
Laura Bertil Bertil’s work radiates purity, a tactile image inviting touch and visual discovery. Her…
NICHT SO LANGE HER, NICHT SO WEIT HER (Not So Long Ago, Not that Far Away )
Kama Jackowska In Monnet’s work, the “dynamic” aspect of the measuring tape, which can be…
Océano vox
Catherine Poulain Catherine Poulain is a French contemporary artist born in Paris in 1965. Her…
Ogni cosa ha il suo tempo
Luce Resinanti A “Cabinet of Curiosities” in reverse, where the artist does not select “rare,…
Quando la luce lascia il posto al buio
Riccardo Pacitti Recovering old wood from the sea and giving it new life is a…
Tanja Haramincic Haramincic’s technique celebrates circularity. Used ceramic objects are deliberately de- stroyed, crushed, and…
Iskolabútor_ / Rebeka Majnár The Iskolabútor collective’s work, created with sobriety and elegance, exemplifies a creative…
Stéphanie Matéos Stéphanie Matéos is an eco-conscious artist and artisan based in Josselin, France, specializing…
Emilio Gabriele Agamennone Agamennone’s spiritual thought, deep connection with nature, and ecological lifestyle are reflected…
SHELF 9 3/4
Jan-Micha Gamer Gamer’s design plays on words, merging the signifier and mea- ning in “bookshelf”. The…
Sebastiano Pupillo Training the eye on daily life and proximity, Pupillo uses photography to tell…
Nadja Monnet In Monnet’s work, the “dynamic” aspect of the measuring tape, which can be…
Anna Krenz Anna Krenz in her Sinus_3 design studio and think tank founded in 1999…